My Journey


I graduated cum laude from the Honors Program at Baldwin Wallace University with a major in Philosophy and minors in Mathematics and Leadership Studies.  There I completed a Student Fellowship in Character-Based Leadership, and an internship in Strategic Planning with CIG Growth Practice.  I joined the team at River’s Edge Spirituality and Wellness Center in 2011 where I served in several roles.  As Program Manager, I led a team of 30+ contracted practitioners and engaged internationally-known speakers to plan and provide interfaith spirituality and holistic wellness programming, classes, and retreats.  Most recently I led the organization as Executive Director.


I excitedly took on the role of Executive Director of River’s Edge in early March of 2020.  Less than one week later, I would announce that we were closing our in-person operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The next two years I focused on serving our clients during this time of crisis. We pivoted to a fully virtual model and provided programming to meet new needs - virtual community in times of isolation, mindfulness opportunities to combat stress, workshops to process grief.

All the while behind the scenes I was working to explore what exactly the future would hold for River’s Edge. We downsized our staff drastically. We surveyed our program providers, analyzed budget projections, and outlined strategic scenarios.

After all the data was in and everyone had been consulted, the future became clear — we would close.

As hard as that decision was to make, I am confident it was the right choice. We weighed all of our options, consulted all of our stakeholders and made an informed decision; in short, we planned strategically. This was an invaluable learning experience that strengthened and highlighted my skills as a strategic professional.


As I look to my next adventure, I am excited to:

  • Share the knowledge I have learned through this blog and to

  • Use the skills I have developed to help a new organization make its dreams come true!

My Experience

  • Executive Director

    I had the challenge and honor of leading River’s Edge through the COVID-19 pandemic. Together we pivoted to fully virtual operations, served a vulnerable population through a time of crisis, and raised four times more funding than ever before. I worked closely with the Board of Directors, Parent Company, Contractors, and - most importantly - our clients.

  • Strategic Planning Intern

    As an intern with the CIG Growth Practice at Baldwin Wallace University I was honored to work with organizations including United Way of Greater Cleveland and ideastream. I was trained by professional business consultants in:

    Strategic Planning · Roadmapping · Voice of the Customer Interviews · Secondary Market Research · Writing the nitty gritty of Strategic Plans

  • Program Manager

    As Program Manager for River’s Edge I led a team of 30+ contracted practitioners and engaged internationally-known speakers to plan and provide adult interfaith spirituality and holistic wellness programming, classes, and retreats.

  • Leadership Development Fellow

    I completed a year-long interdisciplinary fellowship program exploring leadership through the lens of Aristotle’s seven virtues with the authors of the book Integrity is a Growth Market: Character-Based Leadership.

    Courage · Faith · Justice · Prudence · Temperance · Love · Hope

  • Assistant Editor in Chief

    I worked with the founder of RED PEN - BRISTOL to update and formalize processes for employee recruitment and training. We collaborated in the design of the training manual - an invaluable resource for a fully virtual staff.

    I also sharpened my editing skills as a freelance editor for the company.

  • Volunteer Manager

    I designed and implemented the River’s Edge volunteer program from start to finish. I recruited and managed the team of volunteers that supported our 200+ programs/year. I am still connected with and inspired by these people who were so committed to our organization.

My Passion

is Harnessing Dreams into Reality


Planning Vision into Action

You have a vision for the future of your organization. I want to help you make it happen. Any business challenge can be approached strategically. My approach is to:

  1. Make sure we truly understand where we are right now

  2. Get crystal clear on our vision of where we want to be and

  3. Make a realistic action plan to get from Point A to Point B.


Clarifying Concepts into Content

Whether you know it or not, you and your organization have a wealth of knowledge to share. You might share it through designing an infographic, crafting a conference, or simply writing an effective email to your stakeholders. My strengths are in clarifying your message, breaking it into digestible pieces, and helping you communicate it clearly - three keys to successfully getting your message across.


Shaping Ideas into Experiences

The most rewarding part of my work so far has been consulting with practitioners to design meaningful experiences for their clients. Yoga classes, grief workshops, or Board retreats - they all start with an idea. I will work with you to intentionally craft the content shared and weave in experientials, group work, and personal reflection aligned with organizational values. Let’s design not just an event — but an experience with impact.

My Results

  • Generated a Profit - For the First Time in 7 Years!

  • Increased Annual Campaign Donations - by 400%

  • Achieved Impact - 100% Participant Satisfaction

  • Grew Target Revenue Stream - 9% Year 1 & 11% Year 2

My Blog

My blog is inspired by the French salon - a tradition where people would gather in living rooms to discuss interesting ideas with inspiring guests. I have spent the last 15 years participating in modern versions of salons. I have explored philosophy, spirituality, and business - and where these ideas intersect.

We have lost many of these in-person spaces. But, through the power of the internet, we have also gained new spaces where we can find community and discuss ideas.

This is one of those spaces. I’m excited to discuss with you. Welcome!